It began like this: 0:05 a.m.
Your partner disconnected... waiting for a new partner to connect... you have to wait at least three seconds to find a new partner... You are connected now you may chat... Your partner disconnected...
and after an almost eternal chain of absurd dicks jerking off to death and bizarre human figures showing themselves in their lowest human condition I found this cute white (probably North American) guy who was willing to do anything for my cock and he had a nice and soft voice.
First, I thought he was like 25 but suddenly I thought he was a 35 year old handsome man... cameras may be scary at times...
Anyway, I realized something that made me really glad, it was the capability of speaking English with a nice and creative speech. I was able to actually express what I wanted to do to the guy without any problem.
So we spoke some words (questions about fictional pleasure manoeuvres and the obviously expected confirmation) while we saw each other like wild animals trying to jump out of cages in a zoo. It was ridiculous.
Sex makes us Kings in the moment and jokers afterwards. Or is it the opposite? (probably).
The guy was really happy for watching me cum over my chest. He sounded pleased and I was pleased too even though I didn't shove my cock down his throat.
Previously a married man wanted my cock too. It was somehow hilarious but common. When the connection cut off I imagined his fantasies flying away out of his horrible marriage bedroom on three pegasus looking for landscapes. 'Queer'? Yes, it is queer.
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